RollSign Magazine

RollSign, our bi-monthly transit news magazine, is sent to all of our members and subscribers across the country and the world. Issues feature current events, historical articles, and colorful photos of New England’s public transit systems, contributed by readers and our staff. Plus, one issue per year is dedicated to a complete, updated roster of Boston’s MBTA system!

Publication Timeline

RollSign is a magazine of record, and is meant to cover what happened during every two-month period. So for example, the May/June issue covers the events of May and June, and is produced and published AFTER the month of June. Down the road, this makes it very easy to find specific events in past issues!


RollSign Magazine is sent to all Regular, Intermediate and Associate members in good standing. Separate subscriptions to RollSign are also available for $16 per year.

Subscribe to RollSign Today!

Contribute to RollSign

We are always looking for contributions to RollSign and the RollSign Blog! We accept current events articles and tips, original historical articles, and of course color or black & white photos, all pertaining to transit in Boston and New England.

Photo Submission Guidelines
We are always looking for high-quality, interesting photographs for RollSign. In order for your photographs to be considered for publication, please follow these brief guidelines.

Digital photos are easiest to submit. Please send your unretouched and unedited digital photos as a JPG or TIFF file at a minimum resolution of 300 DPI and at their original size. A greater resolution and size helps permit us to re-size the image as needed without loss of quality.

If you’d like to submit prints or slides, we are fully able to scan black and white or color prints or slides and edit them precisely for publication.

To submit your digital files, you can e-mail them to us, send them on a CD via US Mail, or hand them to us at our monthly meetings. As physical prints and slides can’t be e-mailed, please send them via US Mail or drop them off at a monthly meeting. (If you’d like them returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.)

If you are not the photographer, please indicate this with your submission.

Submissions can be made via email to, or to our General Correspondence US Mail box.

Back Issues

Back issues of RollSign are still available from present day back to the 1970s! Visit our Bookstore for a current listing and to place your order.

History of RollSign

RollSign began in 1962 as a single sheet of mimeographed paper. Today, it’s a high-quality magazine with color photos!

Read About RollSign Through the Years