Monthly Meetings

Every month, we hold a meeting online via Zoom that is open to members and guests alike. These are usually held on the first weekend of the month, unless it is a holiday weekend. Each meeting begins with a brief business portion, which includes MBTA current events, followed by an entertainment presentation on a transit-related topic.

Virtual Meeting Link

Our April 2025 Meeting will be held on April 5 at 7:30PM EST. 

BSRA Members and guests can access the meeting live via Zoom using the button below. Regular Members should also review full reports at this link before the meeting, as they will be voted on for approval.

Dial in by phone (audio only):
Call 1-646-558-8656 (Outside the US? Find your local number here) and enter the below details when prompted:
Meeting ID: 822 3821 3181
Passcode: 029405

Upcoming Meeting & Entertainment Schedule

Below you will find dates and scheduled entertainment programs for our next virtual meetings. Interested in being a presenter? Let us know!

Seashore Trolley Museum Update

Seashore Trolley Museum President and CEO Jim Schantz will provide an update on recent progress at Seashore, including restoration efforts on a wide variety of cars. He’ll also give a description of two major construction projects underway at Seashore, one to replace and expand the museum’s oldest carbarn, South Boston. The second is to construct a year-round home for the Maine Central Model Railroad being relocated from Jonesport, Maine, to Seashore’s campus. These projects are made possible by donations of over $4 million to the museum.

Entertainment To Be Announced

BSRA Zoom Meeting Guidelines & Tips

We use the Zoom platform to conduct our virtual monthly meetings. At 7:30PM on the day of the meeting, you can join by clicking the link posted on this page, or by dialing in using your phone to the number listed on this page. Please note a few basic rules:

  • All attendees will enter a “waiting room” before being admitted into the meeting by the host
  • All attendees will be muted on entry, and are asked to keep themselves muted for the duration of the meeting
  • Attendees are asked to use the chat feature in Zoom to raise any questions, rather than speaking, to allow the meeting to run efficiently and minimize cross-talk
  • Anyone wishing to raise any items of New or Old Business, or any Current Events items, should also post them using the Chat feature when prompted during the meeting

Note: You do not need to install the Zoom software to join the meeting, though it does provide a better experience. Instead, you can click “join in your browser” after clicking the meeting link, or you can dial in by phone. Note: dialing in by phone will only provide meeting audio, and does not allow for viewing slides, voting in polls, or participating in the meeting chat.